What is the current processing time for Supervisa from India, Pakistan & Bangladesh?

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  • What is the current processing time for Supervisa from India, Pakistan & Bangladesh?

It completely depends upon the country you are applying from. Because it varies with the number of applications received for super visa in a specific country. The time for Super visa application is calculated from the day IRCC receives your application until the day they make a decision. You must add the transit time of approximately 10 days on top of this. You can check on the website of CIC to find out how long it would take from the country where you are applying from. The online information is updated on weekly basis. As per 2024, june 1st from India its 49 days, from Pakistan its 147 days, and from Bangladesh its 95 days right now.

Follow the link below to check current processing time.

http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/ti#supervisa mes/

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