Life Insurance
Life insurance is a protection against the loss of income that would result if the insured passed away. The designated beneficiary receives the tax-free cash benefit and is thereby safeguarded from the financial impact of the death of the insured.
The amount of coverage you choose and the type of insurance you buy should be based on your circumstances and needs.
Life Insurance Calgary Canada
This benefit can help them to:
- Pay off debt and loans
- Maintain their standard of living
- Pay for children’s education
- Pay capital gains taxes
- Cover death related expenses like funeral costs etc.
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Life Insurance
A life insurance policy is defined as an agreement with an insurance agency. In return for premium installments or payments, the insurance company gives a lump amount payment, which is also known as a death benefit, to beneficiaries upon the death of the insured. Life insurance is chosen because of the requirements and objectives of the proprietor. Term life insurance provides assurance and protection for a while. While perpetual insurance, for example, universal and whole life insurance gives lifetime coverage. Note that death benefit by a wide range of life insurance is for the most part income tax-free. There are numerous assortments of life insurance. Let us discuss the more basic types of life insurance.